TRY IT TABLE TENNIS for Families and Individuals with Autism

Our Happy Hands Table Tennis program supported by the CANUCKS AUTISM NETWORK bring the Sport of Table Tennis to Families and Individuals living with Autism . Try it Table Tennis day will be filled with FUN activities, everyone can try different playing stations, different level of difficulty, try beat the RoboPong 🙂 and more. We use Table Tennis as a tool to improve the lives of people living with all disabilities. Happy Hands Table Tennis Program increases levels of physical activity, provides leadership opportunities , promotes social inclusion and breaks down barriers between people from all over the world.






Our facility is very friendly and family oriented, we will have lots of fun activities set up and challenging stations to TRY TABLE TENNIS .

This event is supported by the CANUCKS AUTISM NETWORK

Date : Saturday NOVEMBER 18, 2017

Time slots: Families can choose one hour of Table Tennis between 12-1pm or 1-2pm

Location: 1555 Forbes Ave, North Vancouver

We gratefully acknowledge our partner in this event ” National Sport Organisation ”

Table Tennis Canada 



and the support of the District of North Vancouver through their Community Grant Programs.






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