THE INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN SERIES ” is a series of articles that supports and celebrates women’s participation in sport, as well as the courage they exhibit in challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

A series of article by the ITTF Foundation that supports & advocates for women participation & empowerment in sport and sport for development and peace.

The Inspirational Women Series features role models within the Table Tennis community, that fight traditional gender roles / gender stereotypes, challenge inequality in sports (and in general) and are doing a great job at it.

Traditional gender roles / gender stereotypes may include (but not limited to):

• You’re a woman, you’re a follower, not a leader

• You’re a woman, you should stay home, cook and raise children

• You’re a woman, you should enjoy reading and cooking but not sports

• You’re a woman, your family is everything and your dreams don’t matter

• You’re a woman, your opinions don’t matter and nobody will listen to you

SPORT and DEVELOPMENT is a website dedicated entirely to sport and development. It is an online resource and communication tool. The article was featured here: