Flu season is upon us, so please do not come to the Club if you are experiencing Flu-like symptoms.
COVID 19 – although provincial restrictions have been lifted, the North Shore Table Tennis Club has adopted the following Guidelines from the CDC.
If you, or anyone who you have had contact with, has COVID symptoms, or have tested positive for COVID, Please refrain from coming to the club until all 3 of the following conditions are met:
Since seniors are at higher risk, in addition to the foregoing, before participating in the Seniors League and senior practice sessions, we ask that you also test negative for 2 consecutive days, or wait until at least 10 days have passed since your symptoms started, or from the test date, if you did not have symptoms.
Please Note: Only players who have signed waiver forms (available at http://nsttc.ca/become-a-society-member/ are allowed in the club.
This link is strictly informational but mandatory for those who are new. It includes the waiver, which must be signed online, and serves for contact tracing purposes for everyone entering our club. Please note this must be done prior to coming to our club, as we are not offering paper registrations. After you register, you will NOT need to pay for membership, but If you want to become a member, we will send you an online invoice for the membership fee (which is $50 for non-voting) prior coming to the club.
Benefits of becoming NSTTS member. Member vs non member fees:
1hr of play $6 vs $10, 2hrs of play $10, vs $15 3hrs of play only for members
Members also can get free racket and ball rental, and member discounts for lessons and robot rentals.
These Protocols shall be posted in the club, and replace all those previously posted.
If you have any questions or concerns about our safety Plan or protocols please contact: Luba at
info@nsttc.ca – 604-209-7037, or Mike Dumler at mike@mdumler.ca – 604-340-6774