WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS Premier Table Tennis Academy is another example of the WVS commitment to facilitating increased access to athlete development through pathways in education. Sport is a viable pathway to reach numerous educational, societal and personal goals.
Overview of Program: Variety and Opportunity
This academy is designed to provide a consistent training program for students, boys & girls, Grades 8-12 to experience and play quality Table Tennis through high level training and exposure to competition. The idea is to provide students with a progressive range of skill development through quality lessons and activities.
Students interested in the Premier Table Tennis Academy must submit the Student Information Form at WVS link here : http://westvancouverschools.ca/academies/table-tennis
DIRECT INQUIRIES TO Diane Nelson, Director of Instruction
West Vancouver Schools Premier Academy Programs
Office Direct Line: 604-981-1150
Cell: 604-786-3575
Email: dnelson@wvschools.ca
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you”